French Press

The French Press is a cylindrical pot with a built-in plunger and filter. With this brew method, coffee grounds are directly immersed in hot water, resulting in a rich and robust cup of coffee.

Brew it the Liberty Style!

Brew Notes:

The recommended brew ratio for French Press is 1:16.

The total brew time may vary for different coffees depending on personal preferences.

Ensure that the French Press is thoroughly cleaned and free of any coffee remains, which will add to the bitterness of your coffee.


Serving Size 14oz 18oz
Coffee 26g 35g
Water 420g 560g
Time 3mins 30secs 3mins 30secs


Equipment needed:

French Press
Pouring Kettle

Recommended Coffee:
Goliath Blend

Step 1
Bring filtered water to boil.

Step 2
Weigh out coffee and grind it to a coarse grind.

Step 3
Warm the brewing apparatus with freshly boiled water. Discard the rinsing water.

Step 4
Pour the coffee grounds into the empty French press.

Step 5
Start the timer. Pour water, slightly off the boil, and completely wet the coffee grounds.

Step 6
Stir, and put the lid on with the plunger all the way up.

Step 7
Just before the end of brew time, give the coffee another stir. Press the plunger slowly and evenly. Immediately serve the coffee to prevent over-extraction.